The Project New World Together

 “We have always held to the hope, the belief, the conviction that there is a better life, a better world, beyond the horizon.” – Franklin D. Roosevelt

New World Together is an advocacy group created to support this major transition happening at the beginning of the 21st century. Our aim with this project is to magnify the positive impact we could have in the world by mobilizing and federating people who are concerned about the situation and are willing to invest themselves to help co-create a safe future and a better world for all of us.

The project is structured into 3 interconnected and interdependent parts that can be seen as a tree. The roots run deep, in order to collect the nutrients from the ground, the trunk gives the tree his strength and direction, the branches capture the light which gives the tree its beauty and visibility.

The Roots

We cannot solve the biggest world problems if we do not fully understand them. On top of technologies, we have accumulated plenty of knowledge, and experience which could allow us to turn the tide. Collecting them, synthetizing them, vulgarizing them in order to make them accessible to most is the first pillar of our project.

The Trunks

Any evolution of collective consciousness will need to be reflected and integrated in the way our system of society is operating. We will do our best to conceive how we could transform our actual model of society, to make it not only sustainable but at the service of all humanity in ways that are realistic and compatible with the present situation.

The Branches

In order to incarnate our vision, we will thrive to open as much representation as possible, and from them build strong networks in order to gain visibility and organize actions dedicated to raising awareness about the need to protect our environment, take care of one another, as well as working on the field of related.