
“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.” – Carl Gustav Jung

One of the solutions to avoid a global collapse is a revolution of consciousness through a collective awakening, which would completely change the way we see our world, and how we interact with it and one another.

Consciousness can be understood as something quiet down to earth in the first place. For example, there was a time when the vast majority saw and imagined the earth as flat. The way we interact with our world is also predetermined by our understanding of reality. One of the major aspects of consciousness evolution that needs to happen is the understanding and integration of our interconnection and interdependence with our planet and environment. In fact our existence would not be possible and we fully rely on our planet for our survival and existence at large. Saving the planet and taking care of our environment is not a luxury, but a matter of survival for our species. Another key aspect of consciousness is our interdependence and interconnection with one another and the more we are connected through technology, the more this becomes perceptible. In fact, we are part of the human family and without our peers the existence as we know it would not be possible, as a fact we are all interconnected with one another somehow. That means that living a live at the expense of others is both counterproductive and unsustainable in the long term. In view of this interconnection with one another, cultivating our altruism, collaboration and contribution is not only a matter of ethics but would be beneficial for all of us.

Another part of consciousness would be related to self-knowledge. In fact, the subconscious is where our experiences, beliefs and memories are stored. Self-knowledge, the understanding of our thoughts, emotions and behaviors as well as their influence on our lives, is what helps us make the unconscious conscious.

The more we are connected to ourselves, the more we bring our unconsciousness to light, the greater our level of consciousness. Becoming more conscious increases our level of empathy, reduces our level of compulsivity and increases our ability to accomplish ourselves. The more we increasing our level of consciousness, the more we increase our feeling of connection toward our environment, and other beings. In other words, consciousness allows us to feel the suffering of other beings and therefore to become more compassionate and ethical beings. At a certain point we understand and integrate our interdependence and interconnection with nature and other humans. We realize that we part of the same system as one and this realization naturally makes us more ethical and beings.

In order to increase our level of consciousness, there are plenty of solutions such as knowledge, self-development, introspection, meditation, yoga, therapies to identify and heal our traumas, develop abilities to conquer our fear and let go of the believes system that limit us and keep us in fear of ourselves and one another. The good news is that as the level of consciousness is increasing globally and as more and more people go through awakening, so does the number of facilities and services that facilitate it, it is a virtuous circle.