
“We must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools.” – Martin Luther King

Why do we always focus on our differences? What separates us? Why do we fear ourselves or the others? We should never stop learning together from one another and keep faith in humanity. When we think we know everything it’s saddening, because we stop learning. Open mind, curiosity, sensitivity, positivity, wisdom, humor and knowledge are our best gifts. All sciences, all religions, all cultures should work together in order to break the invisible walls separating us and bring us closer together.

Humanity has evolved from a group of primitive tribes spread on earth and mainly operating independently to a group of countries, not only in relationship with one another, but also interdependent and interconnected. Internet and social medias are revolutionizing our world as the first space that can ignore borders, and that interconnects people from all over the world together. Internet in a way has already created a borderless earth.

Humanity however, remains separated in entities created during history called countries. These countries that are the result of previous primitive games of domination, conquest and alliance, are for most of them not older than a few centuries or even a few decades. As a result, planet earth remains fractionated and clustered, separated by human made borders, officially used to protect each nation and its citizens from the other and in competition with one another to protect their own interest. We are spending tremendous amounts of energy and efforts to keep ourselves competitive, or maintain national defense forces protecting our borders from other nations that are considered as a threat. Instead of using all this energy to take care of our planet and ourselves, we use it to protect the many human made artificial borders that keep us separated. If earth was a spaceship, its human crew would be divided in groups and individuals fighting over the turf for its domination. How can we take proper care of our planet in such conditions? Can we head anywhere else than chaos if we keep such a paradigm based on separation and competition for domination? It seems more and more obvious that if we want to attend efficiently to our growing social, ecological and financial collapse and the dear consequences it could have for our future, we need to consider reunification. If earth and humanity was threatened by an alien invasion, it would not take long for nations to forget their differences and unite to face the threat. Well in this case earth and humanity existence is not threatened by an alien invasion but by the collective unconsciousness, ignorance and greed threatening our very existence. And if we were rational we would coordinate our efforts and focus on how we could deal with the situation instead of keeping our insane race to nowhere.

A reunification would offer many advantages, each human would be born with equal rights regardless of their birthplace, global peace could be achieved on earth, and humanity could fulfill its most beautiful destiny, becoming de facto the guardian of earth and itself while thriving to expand in the universe. If this vision can be considered utopist now, we can take a step back and remind ourselves that so was the idea of conquering the sky just more than a century ago. If none had believed in our capability to conquer the sky against all odds, we would still not be able to fly.

Unity will not be achieved today, but if we believe that it could help us to create a beautiful and peaceful future on earth for our children and the generations to come tomorrow, we should prepare for it today. And as Victor Hugo rightly said: “Nothing Is More Powerful Than an Idea Whose Time Has Come”.