Scenario type 2

The age of technological domination – Homo Roboticus

“Let’s not kid ourselves here, robots already run most of our world. We’ll be their butlers soon enough.” – Eric Stoltz

In this scenario, the rich elites who are dominating the planet as we know it would gain access to revolutionary technologies that could permit us to avoid a global collapse. While the development of other technologies would permit these elites to gain a complete and full control over the population and resources, using artificial intelligence and automatisation to secure their position of power. The society could become separated between an oligarchy boosted by technology and the vast majority of the population that fall under their control. As a result, human consciousness would be repressed by the power in place and humanity would remain entangled in games of domination and manipulation. Law enforcement authorities could enforce the rules of law, spy on citizens, and repress any dissent using very effective technologies. Although some level of democracy could be maintained, the power would remain in the hands of the ruling elite, and the masses would be manipulated to some extent to create consent as we see in our contemporary society. Armed forces would be used as a tool in the potential conflicts resulting from power struggle. Religions and other dogmatic belief systems would be used as a tool to control and divide the masses, while repressing their ability to use common sense.  Earth and every life form on it would be considered an asset by those in position of power. There would no or very little transparency from the elite in power, and the people would be kept divided and in competition with one another in order to maintain a state of fear and distrust in order to be able to maintain grip and control over the population. Humanity would expend in the universe with a technology advanced, but primitive and manipulative culture.

This scenario is one we could be heading too, if we manage to avoid a global collapse through technologies which would base our evolution on pure intelligence, science and technology but with low level of collective consciousness.  The question on how this kind of society could avoid a collapse remains unanswered, and such unconscious type of civilization based on domination, exploitation and manipulation remains unstable, obscurantist and prone to self-destruction until collective consciousness ultimately emerges.