Humanity in the 21st century

“The spread of civilization may be likened to a fire; first, a feeble spark, next a flickering flame, then a mighty blaze, ever increasing in speed and power.” – Nikola Tesla

Humanity has been through exponential growth over the last century and particularly decades. In less than a century, we have conquered the sky and walked on the moon, in less than 50 years, the human population has more than doubled, in the last 2 decades, exponentially emerging technologies have transformed the way we see and interact with one another and our environment. We have become the only species dominating the surface of earth with undisputed domination. This rapid evolution offers us many potential opportunities, but also great danger if we do not work on our most primitive instincts and take the consideration of the limits of our planet. In fact, we took control of our planet but not of ourselves.

The Situation

Despite exponentially accelerating the path of development and technological progress we as a species have not yet solved our biggest world problems. More concerning, our current model of society based on an economy dedicated on competitiveness and growth doesn’t show any sign of sustainability and therefore, is jeopardizing our future.

The 3 Debts

Our current model of society has obviously been built on debts, and all of these debts are growing globally. We can identify three main types of debts, financial debts, social debts and ecological debts. Each of them could by itself lead us toward a global collapse, with the three of them together we risk potentially catastrophic consequences.

A Call for Evolution

The fact that our current model of society does not show any sign of sustainability indicated that we need profound changes. Now more than ever, we have the need to compensate our technological progress and the growing destructive power that comes with it, with an evolution of consciousness in order to avoid a potential global catastrophe.