“The world is a dangerous place to live; not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don’t do anything about it.” Albert Einstein

In this extremely fast evolutive era of human history, we as an organization, thrive to unite humans willing to be agent of positive changes, by bringing new perspective and understanding to both the danger and potential we are facing as well as mobilizing resources to advocate and implement solutions to solve them.

About the founder

I am French citizen born in 1979. After a successful corporate career and following what we could call a consciousness awakening, I have finally decided to dedicate my self to humanity and life in general and to create New World Together as a vehicle and structure to do so.

Our Mission

We are an advocacy group dedicated to turn the global financial, ecological and social crisis we are going through in an opportunity for collective evolution. We will do our best to support a consciousness awakening and a paradigm shift that would be beneficial for all on this planet.

Our Values

We believe in the power of ethics and transparency and are dedicated to thrive to respect the highest universal values. Their development are part of the evolution to come and are needed to give us directions in order to build a better and safer future for all being on earth.