“Even as a kid enthralled with science fiction, I wondered about the role of people in the long-term evolution of the Earth, the far future and the fate of humanity.” – David Grinspoon

I was born in France in 1979, from separated parents, and grew up in the east of France, near Germany and Switzerland. As a young man, I was puzzled by the society and the world around me, I had so many questions, and so few satisfying responses, I felt a bit a lost in a world that seemed relatively irrational. I started to travel when I was 19 after a year studying engineering in a French university, and spent 6 months in Canada. That first experience traveling the world and experiencing a completely different culture was one of the greatest experiences in my life. When I went back to my home country, I decided that I would do my best to discover the world and pursue an international career. In order to do so I started a master’s degree in international business with a specialization in intercultural management.

During my studies, I was not at ease with the business mentality predominant in such school, I also was noticing that humanity was acting like a parasite on earth, focused on appearance and short term profits, but since this type of thinking was not very compatible with the environment I was in, I kept silent. I was lacking self-confidence and therefore I felt I had to prove the world, and myself, that I could do something of my life. I took every opportunity to travel the world and studied or carried internship in various countries such as USA, China, Vietnam, Singapore and Thailand. After graduating, I started a very successful corporate career in Asia that lasted for more than 10 years.

During that career, I climbed the corporate ladder from manager to senior manager, I was performing and was living a life that most in our society would consider as very successful: money, recognition, prestige, friends, intimate relationships etc. but as the time passed as I was achieving everything I wanted. I was increasingly missing what seemed the most important for me: happiness, a real sense of purpose and meaning. I was also disturbed by the corporate world obsession with profit and growth and the resulting lack of concern regarding social and environmental matters, subjects for which I became more and more concerned. I didn’t like the fact that my professional activities was against my conception of values and ethics.

After 10 years and loyal services and while my career was at a peak with great potential for promotions, I decided to follow my consciousness and heart and to resign. My ex corporation did not want me to leave, so I took this opportunity to become a part time freelance consultant and then expert consultant for my previous corporate employer. I wanted to use the spare time to do something purposeful with my life, to no avail. My last mission as an expert consultant ended as I went through what I can consider to be the biggest transformation and realization in my life until now. Following months of frustration about my inability to find a real purpose, I had decided to register to a meditative retreat in Bali in January 2017. Following this meditative retreat, I went through what one could call a consciousness awakening which can be described as a brutal inner transformation. At the exact same time, the CEO with who I was working was sent to retirement, his replacement changed plans & the project I was working on was put to an end. I took it as a sign that my corporate life was over and decided to leave it for good, it was a leap of faith.  I have since then been exploring myself and the deep meaning of this consciousness awakening.

Since May 2018, and after many realization about myself and the world around me, I have decided to put my resources and accumulated knowledge at the service of the greatest purpose I could ever find in these challenging times of our history: humanity and our future on our beautiful planet earth.